6 Pak Abs Video
Comprehensive abdominal sculpting video which reveals the secrets to creating a lean, toned midsection. It�s for men and women of all fitness levels and it�s the exact program John used to chisel the ripped abs he displays in magazine layouts and TV commercials. SIX PACK ABS offers 3 different home Ab Workouts to stimulate muscle development, 10 fat fighting Nutritional Tips to reduce fat deposits so you can actually see muscle definition, and a few of John�s Supplement Secrets to help enhance and speed results.
"I see tons of ab videos and devices on the market yet I don�t see many people sporting defined midsections at the beach. Why? For me, and apparently many others, abdominal gadgets and gizmos just don�t work. Simple training variety combined with ab revealing nutritional tips does. SIX PACK ABS� has everything to maintain the ab definition I want. This video eliminates guesswork and provides the blueprint for creating a lean, toned set of abdominals. It works for me and it can work for you too."
- John Basedow